Monday, January 25, 2010

Blog Away!

It's week 2 of class, and I feel like I'm going to be a professional blogger by the time this semester is over! The class has been really interesting so far and I'm ready to see what next week has in store. This week, I had the opportunity to read 2 blogs from my classmates, Elizabeth and Christy. I also discovered Tracy Muller's elementary classroom. Her students blog frequently for within the class and seem to be learning quite a bit from the process! I was able to follow the progress of two of her students, Rain and Flamesman to see what they have been learning.


  1. Hi Brooke! We really appreciate that you are visiting our blog and leaving us comments. We work so hard at blogging and it is so rewarding to read comments from people like you! We think that you might be in highschool. But we hope that you will keep talking to us and we will certainly keep in touch with you! We have some really smart kids that will read about what you are learning at school! Thanks from Mrs. Muller's Grade 3 class in Canada
    The Best Bloggers

  2. I am SO thrilled that one of the classroom teachers whose blog you commented on wrote back like this! Wow.

    It may seem small, but this is a really big deal. Please keep up the great work and the thoughtful commenting. :-)
